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In their hands is the ability to use their great wealth to influence society for the better. After all, money is power.
Spend their money
What does money buy?
If it can't buy happiness, at least it can buy life.
Adjust the slider and scroll down to see what this wealth could buy.
Wealth used: 75 billion
Or, select a billionare to see what they could pay for.
Worth ~72 billion
Mark Zuckerburg
Worth ~120 billion
Jeff Bezos
Worth ~5 billion
Betsy DeVos
Worth ~86 billion
Warren Buffett
Worth ~32 billion
Lee Shau-kee
Worth ~64 billion
Carlos Slim
With 75 billion dollars, you could provide one of these:
~500 million meals
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~16.7 billion eyeglasses
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~500 million trees
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~16.7 billion malaria nets
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~75 billion days of UBI
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~150 billion medicines
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About 87% of billionares are male |
About 41% of billionares are white
A billion is a hell of a lot more than a million
Each dot represents one million dollars →
Below is the wealth of a millionare
Only 0.9% of the global population has at least this much money.
For comparison, here's the wealth of a billionare.
Only 0.0000003% of the global population has at least this much money.
But it gets a whole lot crazier than that. Here's the wealth of Jeff Bezos, the world's richest person (net worth of ~120 billion).
Only 0.0000000001% of the global population has at least this much money.
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