Cancer, in all of its various forms, is
responsible for well over
eight million deaths every year. And yet many remain uneducated about what they can do to help, or even if they should help at all. We developed this website
in an effort to address this issue, providing people around the world with a platform that allows them to maintain easy access to the fight against Cancer, especially the forms
that have gone woefully underresearched over the years.
There are currently over 200 types of known Cancer, which combined are responsible
for 7.6 million deaths worldwide each and every year. That's more than twice the number of people who die from AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis combined.
Current projections indicate that, unless immediate action is take, the global number of deaths
could increase by a whopping 80% over just the next few
And so we find ourselves confronted with a seemingly insuppressible obstacle. Cancer is not simply the enemy of those afflicted by it, it is the enemy of
all of us. Cancer, in many respects, stands alone as the sole demon that has reached into all of our lives in some way, drawing us together even as it attempts to force us apart.
While the sitatuion certainly may seem bleak at times, recent years have brought with them
innovative new research that has already saved tens of thousands of lives. This website, beyond
educating people about the issue, exists to promote the impactful steps that those leading the charge are taking to develop a healthier, happier world for us to exist in.
Thank You.
Zachary Jordan and Ishan Taparia